18 Haziran 2015 Perşembe

Best Solition for Hair Loss

Believe me it was the best soliton for me.

I tryed a lot of options. One day my friend adviced to me a mix. I do not know maybe it will not usefull for you. But it was good for my hair.

First i will do a list of materials;

Bepanthene Amphul
Almond oil 50 ml
Turpentine pine 10 ml
Spray Box
I will put the pictures of materials at the and of the letter.
Let’s start to do a mix

Open the spray box.  Put the all Almond oil, Bemiks, Evigen and Bepanthene in to the spray box. After that put a 10 ml Turpentine pine. Now our mix is ready for use.

I will tell how to use our mix

Your hair must be dry and clean. Shake the box of mix and spray to your hair. After spraying do a massage to your hair. The hairs must be absorb the mix. At the and wear a pochette as you see sub.Wait a 30 minutes than wash your hairs with a herbal shampoo.

Hair with pochette
Do it like that twice a week. You ll noticing the changes of your hair in 3 week. ;)

List of materials pictures;

Bepanthene Amphul

Bemiks Amphul


Almond Oil

Turpenitne Pine

Spray Box
If you have a question. Put here a comment. See you... ;) 
By the way i am form Turkiye. I don' know why i said that. :)

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